Using the Drive API

List all drives
GET /drives/list
Returns for each drive, a list of


Get single drive info
GET /drives/DRIVE/info
Returns KEY VALUE pairs:
name Drive name
drive DRIVE
size size of drive in bytes
status active | inactive
claimed present if drive is in use by a server, values are the server uuids
claim:type optional, either ‘exclusive’ (the default) or ‘shared’ to allow multiple servers to access a drive simultaneously
imaging ‘true’ if this is underway, or ‘queued’ if waiting for another imaging operation to complete first. If a drive is imaging, a call to /info/full will show the percentage completed.
[read|write]:[bytes|requests] Cumulative i/o byte/request count for each drive
readers optional, space-separated list of users allowed to read from a drive or ‘ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff’ for all users
tags optional, space-separated list of tags
user:* optional, user-defined KEY VALUE pairs
encryption:cipher optional, either ‘none’ or ‘aes-xts-plain’ (the default)
user owner of the drive


Get all drives info
GET /drives/info
Returns for each drive, KEY VALUE pairs as drive info


Create a drive
POST /drives/create
Expects KEY VALUE pairs:
name Drive name
size size of drive in bytes
claim:type optional, either ‘exclusive’ (the default) or ‘shared’ to allow multiple servers to access a drive simultaneously
readers optional, space-separated list of users allowed to read from a drive or ‘ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff’ for all users
tags optional, space-separated list of tags
user:* optional, user-defined KEY VALUE pairs
avoid optional, space-separated list of existing drives to ensure this new drive is created on physical different hardware than those existing drives
encryption:cipher optional, either ‘none’ or ‘aes-xts-plain’ (the default)
Returns KEY VALUE pairs as drive info
Notes size is specified in bytes, optionally with a k/M/G/T suffix.


Destroy a drive
POST /drives/DRIVE/destroy
Expects Empty POST
Returns HTTP 204 No Content


Set extra drive data
POST /drives/DRIVE/set
Expects KEY VALUE pairs:
name Drive name
size size of drive in bytes
claim:type optional, either ‘exclusive’ (the default) or ‘shared’ to allow multiple servers to access a drive simultaneously
readers optional, space-separated list of users allowed to read from a drive or ‘ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff’ for all users
tags optional, space-separated list of tags
user:* optional, user-defined KEY VALUE pairs
Returns KEY VALUE pairs as drive info
Notes size is specified in bytes, optionally with a k/M/G/T suffix.


Image a drive from another drive
Expects Empty POST
Returns HTTP 204 No Content
Notes Supports ‘gzip’ or ‘gunzip’ conversions. The actual imaging process is asynchronous, with progress reported via drive info.


Read binary data from a drive
Returns Binary data (Content-Type: application/octet-stream)
Notes OFFSET and SIZE are specified in bytes, optionally with a k/M/G/T suffix. At present, SIZE may not exceed 4MB for a single request.
Our drive download tool automatically reads the drive in 4MB chunks. You should do the same for large downloads.


Write binary data to a drive
POST /drives/DRIVE/write[/OFFSET]
Expects Binary data (Content-Type: application/octet-stream)
Supports raw data or Content-Encoding: gzip
Does not support Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Returns HTTP 204 No Content
Notes OFFSET is the offset in the target drive at which to start writing, not an offset in the input stream. It is specified in bytes, optionally with a k/M/G/T suffix.
Our drive upload tool automatically splits the input file into 4MB chunks and transfers each chunk gzipped. You should do the same for large uploads.
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